Leme beach is not as well-known as its adjoining neighbor, the Copacabana. But in terms of splendor, it’s not far behind. This residential community north of ‘Avenida Princesa Isabel’ assumes a rudder-like appearance when viewed from space. It’s a little less crowded that Copacabana so you can enjoy the beach in relative peace.
A relaxing ambience enjoyed by residents
It’s rare that tourists find themselves in this beach. On most days, the only people enjoying its tranquil waters are the residents themselves. It’s accessible through taxicabs and buses from anywhere in Rio’s south zone. You can hardly spot the border that separates the beach from Copacabana. There is also public transportation from either Leblon or Ipanema. Just take a bus with the route ‘Avenida Nossa Senhora de Copacabana’ and it’s easy to go to ‘Princess Isabel Avenue’ from there. At the edge of the beach, you can find the rock. Tourists should not leave the beach without a visit to this place.

You can fish along with the other locals at Fisherman’s Pathway or ‘Caminho dos Pescadores’ or eat from among the numerous restaurants and bars in the area.
What to See
From anywhere on the beach, you can spot the ‘Morro do Leme.’ Morro in Portuguese means hill or a small mountain. The 700-foot-tall mound has a pathway that is still being used by locals and hikers.
Climbing the thickly forested hill is a good adrenaline rush after hours of swimming. At the foot of the hill lies the "Forte Duque de Caxias" which you can visit it from Tuesday to Sunday.